Friday, October 22, 2010

Whittier Museum

The Whittier Museum is only a couple of minutes from my house so I decided that I should go and see what the history of Whittier is all about.  The museum is a beautiful place and the outside painting, truly does sum up what Whittier is all about.  The museum opened in 1983.  When I was inside the museum i was looking at the timeline of Whittier.  To my surprise Manuel Nieto in 1784 was granted  by the king of Spain 300,000 acres of land stretching from Whittier to the sea, and from Santa Ana River to the San Gabriel River.  When i was looking at that, I wonder if i could be related to Manuel Nieto, since we both have the same last name (Nieto).  The timeline was great, It really demonstrated how Whittier became about this great city.  The museum is held up by pure grants and donations from people and other organizations.  If you want to taste a little bit of Whittier, then go to the the Whittier Museum Website for more information on the museum. Whittier Museum

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