Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Prison in Whittier

In 1890 this facility was constructed for troubled youth, in 1941 the institution was named Fred C. Nelle's Correction Facility to honor the superintendent from school.  For many years, the youth jail was there for troubled children, but also it foster many that didn't have any where to go.  In the early 20th Century, the facility had one of the best programs in the state for manual training and music.  The children from Nelle's would play against Whittier High School in football games. 

There was a problem though, when the juveniles would escape they would have to notify the surrounding schools.  Due to budget cut problems the school was closed in 2004.  In 2007 an anonymous letter was send to State Senator, Gloria Romero.  Apparently this person worked in the youth correction time ago knew that there were some bodies buried around there.  There has  been past reporting that mysterious sounds and laughter's from children are heard around the buildings.  Wow spooky.

Now that the facility is closed it is used for movies and television shows.  The television show The Othersiders reported that while they were filming there.  They could feel that there was paranormal activity and concluded that the building is haunted. For Whittier residents this should be the least of their worries.

When Nelle's closed the State wanted to convert it to a men's prison.  I was really worried because Nelle's is only a couple of blocks down my house, and I have little nieces and nephews.  The other option was to convert it into a State Mental Hospital.  Right behind Nelle's is a private elementary school.  That would worry a lot of parents because it will concern their children's safety.  The City of Whittier put a bet to get the property, but it lost the bet.  As of now the state has not decided the faith of Nelle's.  Hopefully there is no State Prison next to homes and schools.

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