Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sorensen Library

Sorensen Library when it was only 1,000 sq ft.
The Sorensen Library is only a couple of blocks away from my house.  And the best part of this is that it is right next to the Sorensen Park.  I loved going to the library because it was so close to my house.  The only downturn to it was that the library was smaller than a 3 bedroom house.  The library was only 1,048 sq ft.  It was small and there was barely enough space for people to walk through.  In 1992, the library was closed due to major budget cuts, but was reopened in 1996. 

The new Sorensen Library
Afters years of planning to rebuild it, the dream of many children that needed that library finally became true.  The constructed began in Nov 2008 and was opened in October 2010.  Although the constructed took over a year and a half, it has been worth it.  The library is the first in the County Libraries with LEED silver rating.  This is also to promote a better environment for the residents of the city.  The building is over 10,000 sq ft.  It has a children's and teen center.  It has various programs for the students.  It also has a homework center.  It has a copy machine and access for the Internet.  I am excited to visit this new library and now take my nephews to rent books. 

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