Monday, November 22, 2010


There has been a recent increase in graffiti in the City of Whittier.  Due to this, the city has implemented a 24-hour hot line where residents can call and report any vandalism.  The city has adopted a new policy that once a report of vandalism is reported, the city will remove the graffiti within 24 hours.  The city says that this has really showed as a form to stop graffiti.  When the perpetrators see that their graffiti is not there anymore, they loss courage and don't try to redo the graffiti.  The city wants to keep their streets clean and do not want to have a bad city for its residents.  For commercial properties that are affected by this, they have three free clean ups of graffiti.  After the three times that they have had this problem, the owners must respond to clean it.  In another effort to help minimize graffiti, the city installed a $500 reward program.  If a person calls and leads to those who are committing the graffiti, they will receive $500 as a token of appreciation by the city.  Lets try and keep Whittier free of graffiti.  For more information go to the following links  

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