Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Crepes and Grapes Cafe

Why go oversees to France to taste a good tasting and looking Crepe when there is a cafe on Greenleaf.  Crepes and Grapes Cafe has a variety of food and it taste delicious.  I had never tasted crepes before and I have heard that they taste delicious.  I went and I order one with vanilla sauce and I topped it with fresh Strawberry and Raspberry fruit.  Oh my!! it was sooo delicious.
  I was so happy that I decided to follow everyone word on how good the crepes were on this restaurant.  Apart from the crepes the food was magnificent.  What I truly was amazed was that this restaurant is not that spacious but it has a good ambient and a good French vibe.  I felt as if I flown all the way to France.  The architectural design is soft and speaks out.  One of my favorite things there was that you are able to see how the crepes are made, which made my day.  I absolutely loved how they picked up the flat crepe and turned it into a beautiful design.  An edible design.  For more info visit their website. A little of France in Whittier

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