Monday, September 13, 2010


For people not following thriller movies, this modest house is no typical home.  This house is the center of the thrill for the 2007 movie Disturbia.  Shia LaBeouf, Carrie Anne Moss, and Amanda Wash started in this intense thriller where a mysterious neighboor turns out to be a serial killer.  The other houses that came out in the movie are in the same street and a couple of street down this house.  The house is located on Painter and Camilla St.  If any body is interested in checking out the place just drive by, please do not disturb the neightboors. 

1 comment:

  1. Stefania: I like the theme of your blog. You can tell us a lot of opinion, points of view about Whittier. Do you think Uptown is cool? Is it run down? Does Whittier need a new movie theater? Etc., etc. A few thoughts: Shouldn't your banner read: Whittier Where Girls Are Prettier (not were)? Also, I've noticed other misspellings. Watch spelling. Looking forward to more Whittier posts.
