Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sorensen Library

Sorensen Library when it was only 1,000 sq ft.
The Sorensen Library is only a couple of blocks away from my house.  And the best part of this is that it is right next to the Sorensen Park.  I loved going to the library because it was so close to my house.  The only downturn to it was that the library was smaller than a 3 bedroom house.  The library was only 1,048 sq ft.  It was small and there was barely enough space for people to walk through.  In 1992, the library was closed due to major budget cuts, but was reopened in 1996. 

The new Sorensen Library
Afters years of planning to rebuild it, the dream of many children that needed that library finally became true.  The constructed began in Nov 2008 and was opened in October 2010.  Although the constructed took over a year and a half, it has been worth it.  The library is the first in the County Libraries with LEED silver rating.  This is also to promote a better environment for the residents of the city.  The building is over 10,000 sq ft.  It has a children's and teen center.  It has various programs for the students.  It also has a homework center.  It has a copy machine and access for the Internet.  I am excited to visit this new library and now take my nephews to rent books. 

Monday, November 22, 2010


There has been a recent increase in graffiti in the City of Whittier.  Due to this, the city has implemented a 24-hour hot line where residents can call and report any vandalism.  The city has adopted a new policy that once a report of vandalism is reported, the city will remove the graffiti within 24 hours.  The city says that this has really showed as a form to stop graffiti.  When the perpetrators see that their graffiti is not there anymore, they loss courage and don't try to redo the graffiti.  The city wants to keep their streets clean and do not want to have a bad city for its residents.  For commercial properties that are affected by this, they have three free clean ups of graffiti.  After the three times that they have had this problem, the owners must respond to clean it.  In another effort to help minimize graffiti, the city installed a $500 reward program.  If a person calls and leads to those who are committing the graffiti, they will receive $500 as a token of appreciation by the city.  Lets try and keep Whittier free of graffiti.  For more information go to the following links  

Friday, November 19, 2010


Build in 1892 the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot was established in Whittier to serve the community.  The depot was built on 11825 Bailey Street.  Due to an increase in population at that time.  Southern Pacific build a branch line from its main line in Santa Fe Springs.  The depot served local citrus packing companies and a gas works.   In the 1900's  it was decided that they would build the Pacific Electric Railway paralleled to the Southern Pacific Track.  Due to an increase of automobiles, in 1938 the Electric Railway was closed by Whittier.  Therefore Southern Pacific decided to take over the Electric Railway.  It still provided freight train service to Whittier until 1967.  From 1967 until to the mid-1980's the depot was occupied by different industrial tenants.  On July 1, 1978, the depot was register in the National Register of Historic Places.  Plans began to restore the depot.  In 2004 Whittier decided to move it to Greenleaf St.  Due to this the building was taken off the list of historic Places.  In 2005 the depot became enlisted again in the National Register of Historic Places.  Now it is a museum of what used to be Southern Pacific Railroad.    

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Comm 435 (w#6) video commentary

I know that this is not related to my subject but it has caught my attention. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Underground Tunnels

Whittier Cardinals
Cal High
I graduated from Whittier High School in 2007 and when I entered the school, there was numerous rumors about the auditorium being haunted.  Also the school was on one side of the street and the rest of the classes was crossing the street.  There was two ways of going to the other side one was to cross the street, or the other one was to go down the tunnel which went underneath the street.  And many people said that we had to pay to go through the tunnel.  Of course they would always tell that to freshman to mess with the fresh meat.  The myth that was true was of the tunnels constructed underneath the school.  This tunnels were constructed during WWII when there was a threat of bombs.  This tunnels would be used in case that bomb attacks happen.  The residents would go in the tunnels and hide there.  The tunnels stretch from Whittier High School all the way to California High School.  The tunnel is about 7 miles long.  I personally have never seen the tunnels, but many of my friends have said that they have gone under there and that they are true.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Studio Danza

Studio Danza is not only a studio for professional dancers to practice their choreography, but it is also open to those who want to learn how to dance.  The studio is open from Monday-Friday.  Many people go to practice their moves there.  although the studio is not that big, it is still enough to go and practice.  Apart from that, Studio Danza also provides instructional classes like Salsa, Cumbia, Merengue, and Hip-Hop.  These classes are a favorite because people always want to know how to dance different types of genres.

Another great thing about Studio Danza is that it provides cardio classes mixing up the different types of genres.  The class that is a must all the time is Zumba.  This class is one of the favorite because it combines fun dancing moves while still burning off those calories.  The instructor is a Zumba graduate and is prepared to show Zumba moves.

The studio has many other events that they do outside of the studio.  With in the studio there are different groups of dancers that dance ballet, hip-hop, flamenco, etc.  These groups go out into competitions and represent Studio Danza and Whittier.  Studio Danza is a great place to either come and see people perform or get into shape by joining one of their many classes.  The good thing is that the classes are only $10 per class.  And of course there are packages for much more discount.  For more information go to their website at Studio Danza  

Wednesday Night is Fair Night

Every Wednesday from 4-9 p.m. the local Farmer Market is in Uptown Whittier.  Not only is there fresh produce, but there are live bands and plenty to eat from.  I absolutely love the Farmers Market and the fair that happens on Wednesday nights.  It is so much fun.  Many local residents and even some that are not in the community come and enjoy time here in Uptown Whittier.
The fair is 3 blocks on Greenleaf Ave.  Apart from eating there is also pony rides and jumpers so children do not get frustrated.  what i truly love and enjoy is how local bands come out and sing their music so they could promote themselves.  It brings a lot of new faces to the market.
The market also has hard to find produce, but it is not over priced which is so good.  They also sell bake goods, organic food, they do face painting for the children.  It is a great place to go out with the family and have a fun time without having to spend a lot of money.   

Friday, November 5, 2010


Whittier in 2009 purchased the 5.8 mile trail way that was before property of the Union Pacific.  Now the trail has been renamed The Greenway Trail.  This long trail begins at the 605 and ends approximately at the end of on Lambert Road by Mills Ave.  the cost of the trail was approximately $11 million dollars. 

This trail is great because many people are taking advantage of this trail to exercise.  It is also great because families can come out and walk, job, or do bicycle with their young ones with out having to worry about cars colliding into them.  Although there are several light stops in between the trail, it is a less harm for the riders. 

Also the trail is good for the environment.  through out the 5 miles ride, there are several wind sculptures that are helping mother earth.  The trail goes behind house, businesses, and through the middle of the city.  Many people that find places far to walk, but close enough to drive find the trail a great alternative.  they can ride their bicycles and save on gas, and at the same time do some exercises. 

Currently Whittier is trying to acquire a line so they can take the Greenway trail and connect it to Orange County.  Through out the path there are several art exhibitions that demonstrate what Whittier was like in previous time.  Like there is a Sycamore stations which represent the Sycamore trees and the wagons that were used before in that path.  an Oak Station is currently under construction.  this part will show the progress of the Quakers since they funded Whittier up to now.  
For more information go to The Greenway Trail

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Whittwood Mall original

  I have lived in Whittier all my life and my favorite place to go was the Whittwood Mall. It was my favorite place to go because it was real close to home and it also was a very big mall.  Inside the mall there were trains where I could sit and ride all day long.  Also my favorite place was the Sanrio store because it sold Hello Kitty things.  But unfortunately the Whittwood Mall was destroyed.

Current Town Center

The only stores that stayed there are JcPenny, Sears, and Mervyn's which now is Khole's.  The mall was closed and when they decided to close it, the stores remained in the same place but now it is not a close mall, but rather is a shopping place.  Now it is called the Whittwood Town Center.  Where all the stores used to be now there are parking lots for the other stores.  The other stores that are now there are PetSmart, Worldwide Market, Target, Pay Less shoe store, Jamba Juice, etc.  

Behind the town center, there are constructing Condo's that are now for sale.  I think that they shouldn't of taken away the mall because it was a good thing, there were many stores and it was a mall.  Now if Whittier Residents want to go to a mall, the closest one would either be the Brea Mall, the Montebello Mall, or the Downey Mall, depending on where you live.  Now we are stuck with the World Market and other stores that are not of my interest.  All I wish for is for them to put a Sanrio store.     


Founded in 1887 by the Religious Society of Friends, the Whittier College also named after John Greenleaf Whittier, the college started in 1901 with only 25 students.  In 1893 the construction of the first building, Founders Hall began.  This building was held for classes, gym, and dormitories.  As more people began to apply and get accepted there was more buildings constructed.  In 1912 four senior prankster put the rock which is now the icon of the college.  The college started to compete in sports of the same magnitude like USC, UCLA, and Cal Berkeley. 
What Whittier College is most famous for is their alumnus Richard Millhouse Nixon.  Who in the 1930 spend his four undergraduates years.  During the time he spend at Whittier College he was involved in many campus activities.  He was a member of the Orthogonian Society, was an active member of the debate club, was student body president, and played football. 

Whittier has followed the footsteps of the Quakers by helping others.  Today Whittier College has a wide diversity of students which is great because it helps the students socialize with people that they will eventually need to familiarize once they graduate.