Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Prison in Whittier

In 1890 this facility was constructed for troubled youth, in 1941 the institution was named Fred C. Nelle's Correction Facility to honor the superintendent from school.  For many years, the youth jail was there for troubled children, but also it foster many that didn't have any where to go.  In the early 20th Century, the facility had one of the best programs in the state for manual training and music.  The children from Nelle's would play against Whittier High School in football games. 

There was a problem though, when the juveniles would escape they would have to notify the surrounding schools.  Due to budget cut problems the school was closed in 2004.  In 2007 an anonymous letter was send to State Senator, Gloria Romero.  Apparently this person worked in the youth correction time ago knew that there were some bodies buried around there.  There has  been past reporting that mysterious sounds and laughter's from children are heard around the buildings.  Wow spooky.

Now that the facility is closed it is used for movies and television shows.  The television show The Othersiders reported that while they were filming there.  They could feel that there was paranormal activity and concluded that the building is haunted. For Whittier residents this should be the least of their worries.

When Nelle's closed the State wanted to convert it to a men's prison.  I was really worried because Nelle's is only a couple of blocks down my house, and I have little nieces and nephews.  The other option was to convert it into a State Mental Hospital.  Right behind Nelle's is a private elementary school.  That would worry a lot of parents because it will concern their children's safety.  The City of Whittier put a bet to get the property, but it lost the bet.  As of now the state has not decided the faith of Nelle's.  Hopefully there is no State Prison next to homes and schools.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Whittier Museum

The Whittier Museum is only a couple of minutes from my house so I decided that I should go and see what the history of Whittier is all about.  The museum is a beautiful place and the outside painting, truly does sum up what Whittier is all about.  The museum opened in 1983.  When I was inside the museum i was looking at the timeline of Whittier.  To my surprise Manuel Nieto in 1784 was granted  by the king of Spain 300,000 acres of land stretching from Whittier to the sea, and from Santa Ana River to the San Gabriel River.  When i was looking at that, I wonder if i could be related to Manuel Nieto, since we both have the same last name (Nieto).  The timeline was great, It really demonstrated how Whittier became about this great city.  The museum is held up by pure grants and donations from people and other organizations.  If you want to taste a little bit of Whittier, then go to the the Whittier Museum Website for more information on the museum. Whittier Museum

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

El Ranchito

This was the mansion of Pio Pico, the last Governor of California under Mexican rule.  This house is one of the last 19th Century houses that were build from adobe.  Pio de Jesus Pico IV build this house in 1848 which he named El Ranchito.  This house is mostly referred as the Pio Pico Mansion, but its true name is El Ranchito.  In 1917 the house was deeded to California.  Now this is a historical place that can be visited by many. 
The house itself is historical since it was build from sun-dried mud blocks called adobe.  The house was restored because it suffered some major damages due to earthquakes in 1987 and 1994.  The mansion is now used as a historical landmark for the history of California.  Also there are a lot of events that go in the mansion such as book signing.  Also it is used as a place where pictures can be taken for wedding, Quinceañeras, baptisms, and other events.  For more information on park hours and directions visit Pio Pico Mansion   

Friday, October 15, 2010


Bailey home in 1887

Build in 1860 this is the historical house where Jonathan Bailey moved in 1887.  This house was the foundation for the formation of the city of Whittier.  When Bailey migrated here from Ohio with other Quakers, this was the house where everybody would meet.  Only eight days after the Quakers moved, they had a meeting on the front porch of the ranch.  Also since there was no church build, this is where services would be held.  Bailey held business, church services, and other activities from his home.  
He used his home as a tool to develop the city.  Now the house is a historic museum that can be visited by many.  The architectural is the same and all the furniture inside is also intact.  It is a great place to visit, not only for fun but to learn more about the history of Whittier.  The house address is 13421 E. Camilla St., Whittier, CA 90601   
Bailey home 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Planned Parenthood

Almost every Tuesday a group of people that are against abortion stand in front of the Planned Parenthood located on Walnut and Greenleaf.  Most of the people protesting are middle age.  They bring banners and posters with aborted babies to protest.  The group stands right in front of the Clinic and are there for hours.  As cars go by they scream  at the drivers to get more attention.  And sometimes they also scream at the people coming out from the clinic.
From time to time, a  priest goes there and prays the Rosary with more people.  I know that it is a free country and people should be able to express themselves, but i think that there should be respect in everything.  The mothers that go into the clinic have a reason why they do not wish to keep their children and it is their decision not nobody else's.  The people protesting say some words to the incoming or outgoing people that are really explicit.  Protest and let your voice be heard but don't disrespect others. 


Every time I drive by Whittier Blvd going east-bound, I always see this place called King Richards Antique Center.  It did caught my attention many years ago when my mother took me, but it was so long ago that I forgot how it looked inside.  I decided to go in there.  The building is old, it is over 100 years old, so I honestly believed that it was going to be antiques that would not capture my attention.  To my surprise when I walked into the store it was as if I was entering into a time machine back into the future.  There is 2 floors full of antiques from Barbies, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and many more.  Each section of the store has a theme.  There is antiques related to that theme.  I think that one day is not enough to go and see the amazing antiques they have.  They have clothes, shoes, hair accessories, kitchen supplies, toys, tables, chairs, and etc.  There are many many things to see at.  It is a great place to really feel and see what it was back in the day.  If you want to know more information go to the stores link. King Richards

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sage Lounge

Like 13 years back, Uptown Whittier used to be the place to be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.  I remember when my parents used to take me to the Village Cinema, there where cars cruising, girls with their high heels and short skirts.  It was a night life there.  It was rare to see teenagers up there.  Well there was but only in the late afternoons.  But the adults own the night.  There used to be a nightclub called Ibiza.  I think that's why many went to Uptown Whittier.  Now it is not as much fun as years back.  Now in Uptown Whittier, there is a lot of teenagers.  Some are still in middle school.  Uptown Whittier somewhat turned from a theme of nigh clubs with racing cars to a more Gothic scenery.  Most of the teenagers that hang up there now are punks, emo, and Gothics.  Ibiza is not there any more.  There is most bars and lounges now.  One of my favorite lounge up there is Sage Restaurant and Lounge.  It has a welcome vibe and I can relate to their music.  Their food is really good, and of course the night club is where all the young people gather to have fun.  I just miss the old Uptown Whittier.